We are very committed in delivering and providing the best quality products to our clients in order to meet the highest standard.


We handle the entire procurement process from design to delivery.
Through our experience and professionalism, we have built a network of vendors that provide quality-conscious and cost-effective solutions.


We develop products which are impactful, creative and cost-effective. The key objective is to work with our factories to ensure goods are manufactured in line with DOT’s and our clients’ exacting standards.

This Is What We Do

We handle the entire creative process from concept to finished product.
Specialized in Merchandise Products, Corporate Gifts, Premium and Souvenir Items.
Our key business strength is in Marketing, Product Design & Development and Loyalty Redemption Services.

Premium Gifts / Souvenir Products

Corporate Gifts

Merchandise (Retail / Redemption Programme)

Concept & Design Services

Packaging Concept Design


Our large network of production capabilities and proprietary sourcing relationships, global partnerships, import sourcing for overseas production, and complete shipping logistics, allows us to be your merchandise partner.


Our In – House Design Team comprises of Product Designer, Graphic Designers, 3D Designer, Illustrators and Creative Artworker. We produce products which are impactful, creative and cost-effective. Our design team is passionate about building concepts and designs around the client brief.


Our logistics and warehousing team are based in Malaysia, China/Hong Kong and work closely with our vendors to ensure goods are managed through our shipping companies, through customs and on to our clients on time.

Our Products

Our Clients